
3 Shareable Instagram Post Ideas for Small Business Owners

Instagram has been the hottest network for business for several years now. At this point, over 80% of Instagram users follow at least one brand on Instagram. They’re not just following – they’re engaging, sharing, and buying.

If you’re serious about succeeding in business in 2021, you need to at least consider using Instagram as part of your business strategy.

But, what are you supposed to post? How on Earth are you supposed to come up with fresh, interesting, great-looking content ideally every day?

We’ve put together a few Instagram post ideas to help get your creative juices flowing.

Instagram Post Ideas #1: Product Posts

Let’s be real, while Instagram has many, many advantages for a business or brand you’re mainly there to show off your goods. To suggest otherwise would be like taking out a full-page print ad and leaving out a color photo. You could but why would you want to?

One of the reasons Instagram’s so popular with business owners is how excellent it is for displaying images. This means that the first and most obvious Instagram post idea is to show off your goods in stunning, bright, vivid color!

“But what if you’re selling a service?” you might be asking. Don’t worry, you can show off skills just as well. Many small business Instagram posts will feature a testimonial, featuring some of your satisfied customers.

Instagram Post Ideas #2: Meet The Team

Another reason that Instagram is so popular for businesses is it offers an unrivaled opportunity to get to know and connect with the owners. This is incredibly vital in an era when values and ethics are so influential on who we do business with and how we choose to spend our money.

A foolproof idea for Instagram posts for small business owners is to feature your team. This can lead to some unique Instagram post ideas in-and-of-itself. Perhaps you might arrange an inter-office talent show and show off the results on your IG feed and stories!

Instagram Post Ideas #3: Get Inspired

Everybody loves positivity. How can you not? That’s often the thing that has us reaching for our phones in our downtime. We might be feeling uncertain, lost, or confused. We’re looking for inspiration, hope, guidance, and help.

Inspiring memes are practically the currency of social media (along with cat pictures, naturally.) They always get good engagement and also get passed around a fair deal. So take some time to source some inspiring quotes and inspired imagery in your niche.

And if you don’t have the design skills or experience to create your own viral memes, don’t worry. An Instagram post maker will make sure that your content is optimized for the network so it’s guaranteed to look its best.

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It’s an exciting time to be alive! Technology that is now almost universally available would’ve been considered Science Fiction not even 10 years ago. It’s exciting, but it’s a lot to keep up with!

Whether you’re looking for inspiration for Instagram post ideas or tips for digital marketing, you’ll find something to inspire you on our pages. Browse the rest of our site today for even more inspiration!